Cinematic Endeavours

Film Production in Cork

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Why don't you come up sometime and see me?*

As a film producer, and former employee of Cork Film Centre, I am regularly asked "how do I get started?" by aspiring directors/screenwriters/actors/cinematographers. The answer is "get experience", which can be a catch-22 situation. There are many enthusiastic people in Cork who will gladly give up a litle bit of time to be involved in a film shoot. And there are often productions that could use that extra pair of hands. These two groups of people rarely meet. One of the functions of this blog is to help film people in Cork, with different talents and levels of experience, get in touch with each other. So please post comments.

I will also be posting information which may be relevant to Cork filmmakers such as festival deadlines, script awards, information on bursaries and film schemes. So stay tuned, folks!

* oft misquoted line, originally spoken by Mae West in the 1933 film, She Done Him Wrong


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