I Heart Walter Murch (part 2)

Behind The Seen: How Walter Murch Edited Cold Mountain Using Apple's Final Cut Pro And What This Means For Cinema by Charles Koppelman
Gorgeous book. Gorgeous layout, typesetting & images. Add the engrossing content and it is a must own book for anyone with the remotest interest in film post production.
Behind The Seen tells the story of how Oscar-winning editor, Walter Murch embraced an then unproven Final Cut Pro and edited Cold Mountain with it, making it the first feature film (as opposed to video) to be edited on the system. You don't have to be a film editor to enjoy this book. Koppelman (also a filmmaker) had unique access to Walter Murch during the shooting and editing of Cold Mountain. He captures the atmosphere of a feature film very well and details the process very accurately. Koppelman's writing is supplemented by extracts from Murch's diary and e-mails from Murch to Anthony Minghella, DigitalFilmTree & Apple and vice versa. Walter Murch's e-mail to Steve Jobs modestly introducing himself is a treat!
One of the lasting impressions from reading the book is how unhelpful Apple was to Murch and his team, particularly as he has since become poster boy for Final Cut Studio.
rawnervefilms Gillian we got to stop meeting like this,did you get my cv n jpegs ar'nt i handsome in an iranian sort of way gonna send some stuff in the post to you was wondering is there anything in paticular that interests you apart from my body !
hope your having fun with your lastest gig
Dearest, I got your vitals. Have built a shrine to them in the back of my Mazda. Would love to see some of your films so send them on down.
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